Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

The statement that “entrepreneurs are born, not made” has been around for a long time, but it remains largely unexamined. It is true that success in any field of life is not due to innate traits, but rather achieved through experience, knowledge and passion. Entrepreneurs are not marked since birth; they are people who have made a series of good decisions in their businesses and lives. Therefore, entrepreneurs are made, not born. When studying entrepreneurship, it is important to take into account the personality of the entrepreneur as well as their social environment.

Entrepreneurs are born out of need, not someone's concentration or determination. They must be able to work with many people who may have opposing views and start a business even if they have only a general idea of why they want to offer a product or service to potential customers. Some people become entrepreneurs because they want to make a lot of money, while others become entrepreneurs because they are passionate about the products or services they offer. They may also become entrepreneurs because they see that this makes a difference in the world and contributes to society in a significant way. It is possible for anyone with the right knowledge and skills acquired through education and experience to become an entrepreneur. In my experience and that of the other business owners in my network, excelling in entrepreneurship is based more on your ability to stay focused on your mission than on being born for it.

Everyone has great business potential to become entrepreneurs; the quality of entrepreneurs is not innate but can be acquired through training and experience. Everyone can choose to do pioneering work and become an entrepreneur as a career. When you meet and chat with a successful entrepreneur, you quickly realize that they have a deep understanding of how their business works, trends in their industry, competition and other related topics. Take the time to learn more about what motivates you is what can make you a great entrepreneur with a successful business. On the basis of discussion and analysis, there are relevant theory, concept and example that support my opinion “Entrepreneurs are made, they are not born”. Not all entrepreneurs drop out of college; higher education is, in fact, a good investment in one's future.

So what are the characteristics and skills of a good entrepreneur? What is the “IT” factor that makes a great entrepreneur great?To be a basketball star, you are most likely to be extremely tall, fast, athletic and have real jumps. In general, entrepreneurs are born more than anything else: situational factors determine how one becomes an entrepreneur, while innate qualities differentiate those who will succeed from the rest, even if they are not taught entrepreneurial skills. These characteristics may include the social environment of the entrepreneur, the economic environment, the political environment and the technological environment. The quality of entrepreneurs is not born; corporate leaders would naturally have this quality. Everyone can choose to do pioneering work and become an entrepreneur as a career.