Can Entrepreneurs Be Made?

Entrepreneurs are not born, they are made. It is possible to become an entrepreneur, as long as you apply yourself unconditionally. Successful entrepreneurs are not born with all the traits necessary to succeed, but they are made through a series of good decisions and experiences. They need to find mentors who will help them and be determined to move forward no matter what.

David Goggins is a perfect example of someone who has all these traits and was able to transform himself from a depressed, overweight person to a Navy SEAL. Entrepreneurs can start a business even if they have only a general idea of what they want to offer. As an entrepreneur, I believe that entrepreneurs are made, not born. They need to develop their passion and drive through fundamental change that leads them to success.

Rich experience is the most important factor in entrepreneurship, and it helps entrepreneurs overcome business crises and forecast their development. Most entrepreneurs go through a series of trial ideas, experience failures, learn from mistakes, and celebrate small “wins” throughout their business management journey. They need to strive to gain more experience by watching other successful entrepreneurs and striving to improve their leadership position in a business. Successful entrepreneurs have also established their “why” and have a real motivating force behind them, aside from money.

It is possible for entrepreneurs with the least genetic likelihood to succeed if they spend enough time improving their skills, gaining experience as entrepreneurs, and committing to better ideas and outdoing themselves. Every entrepreneur on the planet had some kind of mentor or network of people they could turn to for advice, learn and share ideas. Aspiring entrepreneurs require a change of attitude and mentality to reflect on what is really holding them back. The great success of New Oriental makes Yu Min Hong one of the biggest entrepreneurs in China, and his teaching method spans the country. He calls them the “levels of entrepreneurs” and believes that your level depends on how far you want to go as an entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur at a young age gives you a unique advantage compared to adults starting businesses years after college or even during their retirement years. It turns out that regardless of their tendency to start a business, the real determining factor for success is in the amount of experience you gain in a business role. These famous successful businessmen are not athletes who were born with an inherent body and muscles, but are trained and nutritionally trained through the practice of their business.